== Setting up or editing your streampage. == This is a quick How-To on setting up or editing your streampage here at [http://socialgamer.net/ socialgamer.net]. == Global Steps == 1. First off, you need to login to socialgamer.net if you are not already. Click the login link at the top right of the page and enter your credentials. 2. Next you need to click the [http://socialgamer.net/account/ Account] link at the top of the page. 3. Then click the [http://socialgamer.net/account/streampage/ Create/Edit Streampage] link, the second from the top there. 4. You should now be on a page that looks like this[[br]] [[Image(http://cl.ly/2xBz/content)]][[br]] a. The "Enable" checkbox toggles wether your stream shows up in the streampage tracking. a. The "High Res" checkbox only needs checked if you are streaming in 640x360 or higher. a. [=#service]The "Service" dropdown selects the service you are using, Ustream, Justin.tv, and Xfire are supported. a. The "Service Username" field is where you enter YOUR username for the service you picked. a. The "Ustream Showname" is covered [#ustream here], and is only needed if you are using Ustream. Otherwise it's left blank and you can ignore any possible errors. a. The "Allow Guests To Chat" checkbox toggles the ability of unregistered and unvoiced users to chat in your channel. a. The "Stream Title" field is the optional title you can have above your stream, on your streampage. (eg. "ajanata's randomness stream") a. The "Banner" upload is for an image to go above your streampage, maximum resolution is 746px wide by 120px high. a. The "Description" field is for a small description of your stream. a. The "Content" field is for a larger description and other content for your streampage. It appears below your stream and allows for BBCode but not HTML code to be used. 5. After all of that you should click the "Create/Update Stream Page" button at the bottom of the page. 6. You should be deposited into your newly minted streampage. You can hand out the URL to al of your friends so they can watch your stream. [=#ustream] == Ustream Details == 1. Go to [http://ustream.tv/ Ustream] and login to your account. * If you aren't automatically shuffled there, head to [http://ustream.tv/dashboard your dashboard] 2. Click on the "Go To Show Page" button on the righthand side of the dashboard page. * If you have more than one show page, it will be a dropdown. Click the showpage you want to use for your stream. 3. Highlight everything after the "http://ustream.com/channel/" part of the URL, this is your "Ustream Showname". Now you can return to [#service where you were and continue making your socialgamer.net streampage!]